Administration of Justice


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 87 annual job openings in Maui County and 700 in the state.


Majors: there are 17 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 72%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is 29%,


Placement in Employment: the rate is 100%.


Plan of Action: currently there is no program coordinator and that has had a negative impact on program development.� Student majors have dropped over the past two years.

The recommendation of the AJ Advisory Committee, which is also the recommendation of the Chief of the Maui Police Department, is to hire a .5 faculty to bring a level of stability to the program.� This position could be combined with a .5 Sociology position which is needed in the Liberal Arts Program.



Agricultural Careers

Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 102 annual job openings in Maui County and 216 in the state.


Majors: there are 12 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 61%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is at 35%.


Placement in Employment: the rate is 100%.


Plan of Action: in place � past plans have addressed curriculum pathways, promotional materials, the need for a more accurate student database, and expansion of community partnerships.� A meeting is being scheduled to discuss activities for the upcoming year as they relate to the Sustainable Living Institute of Maui (SLIM) and curriculum revision.� There are two potential tracks for students in the Agriculture Program, transfer to another campus with the potential of a baccalaureate degree or placement in the workforce with a two year degree or achievement of appropriate skills.� This will be part of the discussion.



Auto Body Repair and Painting


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 5 annual job openings in Maui County and 31 in the state.


Majors: there are 15 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 89%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is 0%.


Placement in Employment: the rate is 100%.


Plan of Action: in place � past plans have identified the need to more closely coordinate with non-credit since many of the students are already employed and are not interested in taking the full program.� The current plan identifies this as well as the development of a new curriculum and set of standards for non-credit students.



Automotive Technology


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 32 annual job openings in Maui County and 243 in the state.


Majors: there are 58 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 94%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is 3%.


Placement in Employment: the rate is 75%.


Plan of Action: in place � past plans have identified equipment needs and national certification.� The current plan identifies equipment needs and possible funding solutions, the filling of one position due to retirement and the proposed Automotive Academy for Hawaiian students in conjunction with Kamehameha Schools and Alu Like.




Building Maintenance


There was no annual program review submitted.



Business Careers


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 233 annual job openings in Maui County and 1,474 in the state.


Majors: there are 82 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 95%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is at 18%.


Placement in Employment: the rate is 55%.


Plan of Action: in place � past plans have addressed a number of issues, some have been completed and some are in progress; a meeting is being scheduled with the faculty to discuss issues of staffing, advising, equipment needs and SLO development. Questions to be addressed � are students being hired prior to completing their degree � do employers want skills without requiring a degree?� Does having seven certificates of competence disperse the student enrollment so that class enrollment is too low?� This should be discussed with the Advisory Committee.



Business Technology


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 145 annual job openings in Maui County and 1,917 in the state.


Majors: there are 74 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 86%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is at 45%.


Placement in Employment: this data is not available.


Plan of Action: in place � past plans have addressed a number of issues, some having been completed and some are pending; a meeting is being scheduled to discuss additional solutions regarding staffing, equipment, employment data, and curriculum revision.� There is a question regarding the number of faculty assigned to the program.



Carpentry Technology


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution


Workforce Demand: there are 13 annual job openings in Maui County and 213 in the state.


Majors: there are 12 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 50%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is 25%.


Placement in Employment: the date is not available.


Plan of Action: a plan in is place to consolidate the construction programs of Carpentry, Building Maintenance, Drafting, and Welding under the umbrella of Sustainable Technology.� This is being done to respond to developing needs in the industry (see Annual Program Review for Sustainable Technology).� It will allow students to complete training programs in a shorter period of time while maintaining the integrity of the academic curriculum.



Culinary Arts


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 545 annual job openings in Maui County and 2,743 in the state.


Majors: there are 57 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 83%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is 45%.


Placement in Employment: the rate is 75%.


Plan of Action: in place � past plans have identified issues of computer support, advising, and program restructuring.�� The program has continued to evolve, particularly with the addition of the new culinary facility.� However, challenges remain regarding issues of instruction and food production for the campus.� Revenue generation strategies have been explored and plans are under development to address these issues.� Meeting are ongoing with the culinary faculty to monitor and refine these options.



Drafting Technology


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 2 annual job openings in Maui County and 48 in the state.


Majors: there are 5 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is at 50%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is 20%.


Placement in Employment: the rate is not available.


Plan of Action: a plan in is place to consolidate the construction programs of Carpentry, Building Maintenance, Drafting, and Welding under the umbrella of Sustainable Technology.� This is being done to respond to developing needs in the industry (see Annual Program Review on Sustainable Technology).� It will allow students to complete training programs in a shorter period of time while maintaining the integrity of the academic curriculum.



ECET (Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology)


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution


Workforce Demand: there are 30 annual job openings in Maui County and 760 in the state.


Majors: there are 51 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 71%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is 10%.


Placement in Employment: the rate is 100%.

Plan of Action: in place � past plans have addressed issues of equipment and technology.� The current plan addresses the need to modify the program map and certification.� In addition, there are questions regarding the connection to the High Performance Computing curriculum, student enrollment, pre-requisite preparation and development of an adaptive optics/telescope technology subject matter to ECET.� A meeting is being scheduled to discuss the plan.


Fashion Technology


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 141 annual job openings in Maui County and 49 in the state.


Majors: there are 20 majors.



Class Fit: the class fit is 78%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is 80%.


Placement in Employment: 0%.


Plan of Action: in place � past plans have addressed equipment shortages, the development of SLOs, participation in community outreach and relationship to the non-credit area.� The current plan addresses graduation rates and the lack of program completion.� It is difficult to ascertain placement in employment other than self reporting.� A meeting is being scheduled regarding the above issues.



Hotel Operations


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 94 annual job openings in Maui County and 509 in the state.


Majors: there are 66 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 78%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is at 23%.


Placement in Employment: the rate is 83%.


Plan of Action: in place � past plans have addressed curriculum redesign, program expansion, program assessment, and program certification.� The current plan of action addresses issues of continuing curriculum revision, enrollment management, articulation between campuses, and professional development.



Human Services


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there are 23 annual job openings in Maui County and 108 in the state.


Majors: there are 182 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 90%.


Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is 8%.


Placement in Employment: the rate is 100%.


Plan of Action: in place � past plans have advocated the filling of a vacant position in Early Childhood as well as addressing a number of initiatives at the local and state levels. The current plan of outlines the need for an additional staff person in Early Childhood and a meeting is being scheduled for discussion.� While there is a need in the community for professionals in Early Childhood, the compensation level is very low and it is difficult to recruit students into the field. ��The Human Services Program is comprised of Early Childhood and Substance Abuse focus areas and there is a question as to how to separate data to more appropriately assess need between the two areas.� Discussions are ongoing with faculty and administration at the CCs and UH-Manoa regarding program expansion in Elementary Education and Social Work.



Liberal Arts


There was no annual program review submitted.



Sustainable Technology


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.

Workforce Demand: there are 110 annual job openings in Maui County and 1,140 in the state.


Majors: there are 3 majors.


Class Fit: this information is not available.


Graduation Rate: the graduate rate is 3%.


Placement in Employment: this information is not available.

Plan of Action: this is a new program which is designed to address issues of sustainability and energy-saving systems through the integration of the existing programs in carpentry, drafting, building maintenance, and welding with additional curriculum specific to this field.� The program coordinator has developed SLOs for the program.� The current plan is to complete the provisional program review, continue the integration of existing programs, to work with community partners, and to accelerate recruiting activities.



Welding Technology


Centrality: the program is appropriate to the mission of the institution.


Workforce Demand: there is 1 annual job openings in Maui County and 38 in the state.


Majors: there are 4 majors.


Class Fit: the class fit is 131%.

Graduation Rate: the graduation rate is 0%.


Placement in Employment: the rate is not available.


Plan of Action: a plan in is place to consolidate the construction programs of Carpentry, Building Maintenance, Drafting, and Welding under the umbrella of Sustainable Technology.� This is being done to respond to developing needs in the industry (see Annual Program Review on Sustainable Technology).� It will allow students to complete training programs in a shorter period of time while maintaining the integrity of the academic curriculum.