Executive Committee Meeting AGENDA������������� go to minutes

Friday,  August 26, 2005

830am, Ka Lama 102


  1. First Week Issues???
  2. Executive Committee Adjustments based on Feedback: Fewer Items, shorter meetings, focused input; number of Executive Committee Members;  Constituent Representation
  3. Enrollment, Tuition Revenue Status (final TFSF revenues for budget to be based on August 31, 2005 status; allocations to be influenced by commitments to address deficits and schedule loan repayment with instruction as a priority)
  4. Next Steps to Program Review: Staff/Faculty Priority Input; Community Forum Input on Campus and suggestion of other Priorities as well as Program Review Recommendations/Conclusions and Supplemental Budget Priority; Identification of Strategic Plan Priorities for This Year and Next Biennium  
  5. UHCC Supplemental Budget Priorities
  6. Chancellors� Advisory Council Expansion Proposal from 20 to 25 Members
  7. SLIM Launch
  8. Alumni Dinner
  9. Other  Items



Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Friday, August 26, 2005

8:30 a.m., Ka Lama 102


Present:����� Pat Adams, Pam Hoopii, Nancy Johnson, Robyn Klein, Dan Kruse, Diane Meyer, Jeannie Pezzoli, Kiope Raymond, Suzette Robinson, Frances Segundo, Mona Stevenson, Alvin Tagomori, David Tamanaha, flo wiger



1.����� First Week Issues

Committee members reported on problems that arose during the first week of classes.The following were noted.

�������� Banner

�������� Virus

�������� BCIS: Late notification for student whose classes were cancelled

�������� Training for Department Chairs on how to make changes in Banner for cancelled classes

�������� Xerox


�������� Continued discussion on suggestions for improving first week issues will continue at the next Executive Committee meeting.


2.             Executive Committee Adjustments based on Feedback:Fewer items, shorter meetings, focused input; number of Executive Committee Members; Constituent Representation


Committee members reviewed the evaluation feedback of the August 12, 2005 meeting.The following were suggested to run meetings more efficiently.

�������� Clyde will cut down on the number of agenda items.

�������� Committee members were asked to focus on agenda items during the meetings.

The size of the �official� committee will be reduced.Some individuals will remain on the distribution list so they can receive Executive Committee information and attend when issues might relate to their responsibilities; however, the official committee will consist of those who represent constituencies.

It is critical that minutes are distributed on a timely basis.Minutes should be posted on the web and distributed via maui-announcements.


3.                         Enrollment, Tuition Revenue Status (final TFSF revenues for budget to be based on August 31, 2005 status; allocation to be influenced by commitments to address deficits and schedule loan repayment with preserving instruction as a priority)


Enrollment is at 2876.Enrollment during the first week last Fall was 2989.


At the end of Friday, August 19, 2005 enrollment figures for the outreach sites were:

Molokai: 155

Hana:����� 45

Lanai:����� 18


4.                         Next Steps to Program Review: Staff/Faculty Priority Input; Community Forum Input on Campus and suggestion of other Priorities, integration of Program Review Recommendations/Conclusions and Supplemental Budget Priority; Identification of Strategic Plan Priorities for this year and Next Biennium


David will follow up with Kris Shibano on specific Outreach and other data so that they are regularly available.Jeannie Pezzoli will email current Outreach enrollment figures to Executive Committee members.


David distributed a spreadsheet showing summer 2005 revenue and target revenues for Fall 2005 and Spring 2006.Target revenue for Fall 2005 is $1,413,943.Revenues are at $1,443,036.Admins are hoping to make allocations in September.Deans and directors are being asked to create deficit plans and to identify how they plan to address the deficits as well as how we will be repaying our $250,000 loan.We want to preserve and strengthen our instructional program.Concern was expressed over the need for supplies.If departments run into a bind for supplies, Foundation resources can be used.Departments are asked to inform Clyde or the Foundation office of their supply needs. ���


The Community Forum is being rescheduled.Suzette will have tentative dates for the Implementation Council review.The Forum will influence faculty feedback, serve as basis for our Strategic Plan, and influence biennium budget priorities.With the help of deans and directors, Clyde will draft a set of program review recommendations and conclusions.We will then be identifying and refining strategic plan priorities.


�������� flo asked about the status of the Chief Academic Officers� recommendation to John Morton on the program review process.Chancellors and John Morton have approached the Board of Regents to suggest that a Board committee be established to address specific community college issues beginning with orientation, moving to program review and going into budget preparation.The committee will include a member each from Maui and Kauai, two from Big Island, and two from Honolulu.John and Chancellors will meet with the Board committee to work out details on what the program review process will look like.John is also developing the timeline for the biennium review process.We will probably begin the process at the end of October or the start of November.


Discussion on how we might be able to surface UHCC priorities as a system will be on our next UHCC Chancellors agenda.


Program review process is moving along.Jeannie, Lynn and Suzette met to look at the recommendations that Lynn put together from last year.Taking eight of these and putting them in priority order with projected funding attached to their needs.


Dan Kruse informed members that at the All Senate Chairs Council meeting Dan expressed whether or not we can get system support for data collection.Much of our time is being spent on data collection rather than analysis.System is working in this direction.


5.                         UHCC Supplemental Budget Priorities

MCC�s supplemental budget priorities are electricity, responding to WASC program review situation, Workforce Development, Hawaiian Studies.


6.                         Chancellor�s Advisory Council Expansion Proposal from 20 to 25 Members

The Chancellor�s Advisory Council is looking at expanding from 20 to 25 members.Criteria for selection of new members are:sectors where we don�t have representation in, getting a strong Hawaiian voice on committee, looking at different areas that will connect with student employment and economic development, ethnicity, enthusiastic supporters of the college, advocates for the college.It was noted that members selected need to understand that there is an expectation of financial contribution.

Kiope Raymond recommended Clay Sutherland as a possible Hawaiian member.It was suggested that the Council also look at changing the times of their meetings to eliminate the need to provide lunches.


7.                         SLIM Launch

The Sustainable Living Institute of Maui being hosted by steering committee along with contributions from Maui Land and Pine is celebrating the launch of SLIM on August 28, 2005.


8.                         Alumni Dinner

The MCC Alumni currently led by Kimo Apana and Georgina Kawamura will hold a dinner on October 28.


9.����� Other Items

�������� Retention:Discussions should be held with department chairs and brought back to committee.


Centennial Celebration:Pat Adams reported that the Centennial Celebration will be held from January 07 to Spring 08.The Systemwide Communicators Council is asking that any event we might be putting on during this time be tied to the Centennial.We should have one event that is special.An MCC committee has been formed to work on the Centennial Celebration.Those interested in serving on the committee should contact Pat Adams


E5.209:System committee has completed their proposed policy and procedure.It is being forwarded to Linda Johsrud and Mike Rota for feedback.


Akaku:The next Akaku Board meeting is August 26, 4:00 p.m.


Student Center Usage:Center will be shut down when a contractor is identified.�� The facility is not being used for continuous general use except for the health center.Center may still be used for events requiring large space.�� Prerequisite should be that whoever uses facility, should clean it.Maintenance staff should clean health center and first floor restrooms.


Electricity:David distributed copies of MCC�s last electricity bill.To reduce cost, computer controlled thermostats will be disabled.Temperature will be set at 72 degrees.We are also taking a hard look at room schedules.Committee members were asked to remind their departments that doors must be closed in buildings that have AC running.Using windows in the hales is preferred but if the AC must be used, be sure that the windows are closed.It was suggested that notes be taped around thermostat controls so people will not try to adjust it.


All Campus Faculty Senate Chairs Meeting Minutes:Dan will be distributing minutes to Executive Committee which should include the President�s priorities for the year.����


ABIT 301 Orientation:�� Orientation being conducted over weekend.