Interview Strategies – CareerLink

Interview Strategies

The application is usually the first step of the hiring process, then the interview follows. It is a big deal when an applicant lands an interview. A job interview is not an average conversation, the employer will probe, and there will be a lot of ground to cover. So what does a candidate do? Students with limited work experience may find the interview process nerve wreaking.

Study the Company

culture | mission | values | key players | products | services | recent news
Study the company or simply put, doing research about it is one of the best ways to become a stand-out candidate during the hiring process. Playing detective and investigating potential employers will help discover aspects about the employer that will better prepare a prospective employee for any interview.

Know Resume

objective | skills | past employment details | dates
Review resume from start to finish and a be sure to have the confidence to speak meaningfully about all facts listed. Not knowing ones resume can potentially cost a potential candidate the job. Take an extra copy of the resume to the interview.

Study The Job Description

take notes | save a copy | research similar jobs
A job description will tell what an employer expects. A well put together job description will clearly identify and spell out the responsibilities of a specific job.

Practice (Mock Interview)

prepare | don't be afraid to make mistakes | ask questions | take feedback constructively
A mock interview helps a applicant learn how to answer difficult questions, improve communication skills and reduce stress before an actual job interview. It also allows the opportunity to receive feedback from the interviewer.

Dress to Impress

wear a smile | be neat | practice good hygiene
A top interview mistake job seekers make is wearing inappropriate attire. It's okay to check with the person scheduling the interview what the recommended dress attire (formal or casual) is. Sometimes it is best to skip the perfume, aftershave and cologne. Dress tips here

Additional Interview Strategy Tips

Make eye contact, Use appropriate body language, Build rapport.