Executive Meeting Agenda��������������������� Go to minutes

Friday, September 1, 2006

8:15 a.m., Ka Lama 102


1.       Opening week challenges, bookstore, electricity, science lab equipment, others?

2.       TFSF revenues, enrollment picture count-wide including nonresidents

3.       Formalizing our budget including the deficit elimination plan

4.       Biennium budget developments

5.       Instructional and academic support program review summary

6.       Toyama cooperative agreement : Alice Luther

7.       WASC college-wide meeting including report on strategic plan outcomes

8.       Updates: grants � EOC, Liko A`e, etc., housing, swap meet

9.       Leadership connections follow-up

10.   Other items



Friday, September 1, 2006

8:15 a.m., Ka Lama 102


Present: Mikahala Helm, Paul Levinson for Dan Kruse, Jeannie Pezzoli, Clyde Sakamoto, Frances Segundo, Alvin Tagomori, David Tamanaha, flo wiger


Laycie Ann Tabosa will be added to Executive Committee distribution list as Student Government representative.


Data dialog on 2006 CCSSE results were presented by Jeannie. Specific areas are identified as to where we fall above and below the mean. Although financial aid advising fell below the mean, Maui comes out higher as compared to other community colleges. CCSSE compares national data. VP Morton reported in another meeting that financial aid in Hawaii was lower than national averages; Clyde mentioned that our results would be higher if we could have also factored in the number of students who also receive assistance through third party programs like Alu Like, etc. However, it is apparent that we need to identify ways to improve. Alvin noted that some of this will be addressed through their reorganization efforts. Overall it is very strong indication of what we are doing and doing well.


Opening week challenges. Bookstore challenges were discussed with the administrators and are being addressed. Clyde asked for other challenges. Paul indicated that in the past students were not being adequately notified of cancelled classes. flo did not receive any reports via the division chairs and believes the divisions have worked on a system with unit secretaries to improve notifying students.Jeannie noted that when classes are cancelled in banner, emails are sent automatically to affected students as long as they utilize their @hawaii.edu email.Banner experienced the usual downtime and slow speeds due to heavy usage. Frances reported on connectivity and switch problems which they were able to replace.

It was suggested that we have more maps be readily available and in more visible locations. Alvin was asked to follow up as it could possibly be addressed as part of student orientation.


Purges. ��Personal follow up calls are being conducted with students who were purged from classes to gain insight and information as to how we can improve our services and how we may not be meeting their needs. Alvin is following up as more data are collected.


TFSF status.Overall revenue dropped $140,000 through refunds but we are still 1.2% ahead of the Fall projected revenue target.


Enrollment is at 2831, as compared to 2914 same time last year.209 are non-residents with a portion identified as exempt through policy from paying nonresident tuition.


Head counts at the individual outreach sites are difficult to determine since most registration is now being done online. Kris has tried to develop a system to provide a count through banner by looking at mailing addresses.Challenges were discussed as students may register from Molokai but attend classes at the Kahului campus, etc.

Jeannie was asked to follow up on determining how head count statistics can be efficiently obtained.


Toyama Cooperative Agreement.Alice Luther provided an overview on her progress on developing an exchange student program with Toyama University in Japan. There has been some challenges obtaining an interpreter and working out the details of an agreement. She will keep us abreast as it progresses. The interest in developing an exchange program with MCC came after Toyama University representative�s participation in the recent Islands of the World Conference sponsored here at MCC.


Deficit Elimination Plan.David distributed spreadsheet which tracks the progress for the last several months. Highlighted areas are those frozen because they did not improve from their baseline amounts based on June 30, 2005 benchmarks.


A deficit elimination plan is being developed and formalized by flo by September 8th, 2006. Karen has been asked to assist in this effort and she provided an update on her progress, which has focused mainly on obtaining and reviewing documentation.


Clyde and David will follow up on relocating the ORS van.


Housing Deficit.Alvin reported that dormitory rates had not been raised until improvements to the facilities could be addressed. There was also a revenue drop when we went from 55 to 44 beds due to health and safety issues.Upward Bound rates are tied into the Upward Bound grant.

Alvin was asked to look into when the next opportunity would arise so necessary adjustments can be made to recover costs.


Biennium Budget. David explained that a UH System Biennium Budget Committee was formulated and they reviewed all the biennium budget items throughout the system and shaved it down to more consistently reflect the state�s forecast in tax revenues. Most of the lower priority items were taken out.Clyde noted we still need to focus on educational capital requirements (facilities, technology) as well as balancing them with student services and financial needs.


The BOR is asking for more outcome measures and indications.State Budget Director Georgina Kawamura�s presentation at WCC regarding relationships on outcomes in relation to budget support was well received by the Board. For example, all reviewers will be looking more closely at relationships between adding counselors and student access, performance and achievement. In the instructional area, we specifically need to look at projected workforce demands, program performance, completion, graduation rates, employer partners for new programs. Frances asked if there was a mechanism in place to track student progress after they leave MCC. Nursing & culinary programs may have connections with their graduates but more consistent follow up will be expected.Wallette Pellegrino has the challenge of developing a part-time and full-time job placement system to connect with prospective employers. Mikiahala noted that unlike other community colleges, MCC has the outreach challenges which we are only now meeting expectations, For example the counselor position on Molokai now being available to service those outreach students.


Instructional and academic support program review summary.Comparison PHI measures were distributed and explained by Jeannie.Basis for program reviews is closely tied to the PHI�s.flo summarized 2005-2006 Annual Program Review.

1. Need recommendations within programs, e.g. HOST discussion with industry to increase entry level salaries for students who have received their degrees.

2. Need to focus on programmatic and budget recommendations based on data.

3. In Plan of Action state definitive analysis of what relationship between what was planned and what was completed.

4. The conclusion of analyses should be consistent with budget requests.For example, in Accounting, state goals for the next year rather than in the indefinite future.


Informational items:

College wide meeting will be scheduled mid-October before the accreditation team comes. Actual team visit will be 10/24-26.


Paul received four-year grant for EOC at $414,000/year. We have been receiving this grant since 1978.


Liko A`e, Native Hawaiian scholarship program was also funded again for $1.3 million per year for three years.


To date we have received in the first quarter over $5 million in grants not including those mentioned above. Last year we received over $9.3 million, which just about doubles what all the other community college received totally.


New housing facility should prospectively have 200 beds available in January 1, 2007. The remainder should be available in the summer 2007.


Our one page US News & World Report advertorial should appear this week.


Swap meet agreement has been agreed upon by the vendors and attorneys and is moving forward.


Leadership connections follow-up - Pat and Jeannie will provide feedback.


Denise Cohen & nursing faculty to give us briefing on how to prepare for pandemic.


Political forum hosted by student government & MCC in early October.Gregg Takayama to moderate the debates. Chancellor�s Advisory Council will assist in providing some funding support.